Join us this Summer on the Trustee Leadership Programme
23rd April, 2021

Join us this Summer as Cause4 launches two new Trustee Leadership Courses:
The Summer dates are:
Emerging Chairs Programme: a one-day course (9:30am - 4:30pm) for existing Trustees seeking to take the step towards Chairing a board. This empowering course covers key issues such as Leadership, Chair-CEO relationships, fundraising, and marketing, and allows prospective and existing Chairs to share experiences and learning.
- 22nd July 2021 (tickets)
- 22nd July 2021 (tickets)
- Trustee Leadership Programme: essential governance training for the new or aspiring Trustee, this course covers an overview of the sector, governance & strategic planning, financial management, and fundraising. Please note this course is now sold out.
- 28th July 2021: 2pm - 4:30pm
- 29th July 2021: 2pm - 5pm
- (more info)
All courses will be delivered via Zoom.
Email for further information.