A message from the Cause4 CEO

A message from our CEO:
In these uncertain times – which we know are affecting our families, businesses, communities and our way of life – I wanted to update on how we are approaching the situation at Cause4.
Firstly, our thoughts are with anyone who may have been impacted by the current situation – we wish you, your colleagues and your families all the best during this time.
Secondly, at Cause4 we are focused on the health and safety of our own staff and as such all our employees are currently working from home in line with the UK Government’s latest guidance. However, over the past years we have invested in our systems and processes to ensure that all areas of our business can remain fully operational during times like these.
As such, all our team are available for virtual training and meetings – either via telephone and tele-conference – and work on behalf of our clients will continue as normal. All our training will now take place virtually via Zoom – with systems in place to ensure we can provide unparalleled access to all our training opportunities over the coming months. If you have a course booked already we will be in touch to let you know how you can still attend this virtually. We also have a range of fundraising resources available via elearning.
We also understand the impact that the current situation is likely to have on our sector. We are therefore working on a number of initiatives which we hope can provide helpful support. Whilst we are fully operational for more strategic and in-depth fundraising advice and support, our senior consultants will be offering daily FREE Power Hour sessions for those of you that have specific questions/issues which you would like to discuss, you can sign up here. We are also looking at ways in which our employees can support those charities on the front line within their communities. We will be releasing further details on this in due course.
If you have any specific questions or ideas where we can help other partners or charities, please don’t hesitate to contact us here – in the meantime please all take good care.
All best,
Michelle Wright