Cause4 works across the charity and business sectors to develop innovative solutions and new programmes where there is a need. We have developed a number of national initiatives to develop ideas and solutions including the Arts Fundraising & Philanthropy Programme to stimulate fundraising across the arts, cultural and heritage community, the Trustee Leadership Programme to develop a new generation of Trustees for charities and the Guildhall School Creative Entrepreneurs programme to support performing artists to establish sustainable businesses.
Change management
Cause4 supports a range of organisations undergoing substantial change, to inspire improved leadership and teamworking towards the shared goal of increasing fundraising and income generation. We have developed a specialist Culture Change programme, which works dynamically with charity leadership teams and Trustees to drive forward the change needed to realise ambitious ideas and business plans.
Trustee development
The lack of leadership talent at the governance level of charities is one of the biggest problems to a flourishing charitable sector. Employers wishing to support the development and governance of the voluntary, community and social enterprise sector and enrich their employees’ professional and career development can make a strong positive contribution to both, by encouraging Trusteeship amongst their staff.
The Cause4 programme (developed in partnership with Close Brothers and the Clothworkers’ Company) provides a Trustee training and charity matching service for emerging leaders, training over 500 new Trustees a year. The Trustee Leadership Programme also provides services for professionals interested in becoming school governors, grant-makers and NEDS of social enterprises.
The Cause4 definition of enterprise is ‘the ability to make things happen’. Our training programmes aim to inspire leaders and aspiring entrepreneurs to turn ideas into reality and to stimulate the culture for ideas and innovation internal to organisations.