
Our training programme spans a range of topics, from fundraising, governance and organisational development, through to marketing and PR and business planning. It is also offered at a range of different levels, from entry-level and mid-career through to leadership.
Through our face to face training we supported more than 1,500 people in 2019/20 to develop skills and confidence they need to thrive in the charity sector, working with organisations from the Royal Shakespeare Company, Cambridge Junction, and South West Museum Development Network.
Through our online and e-learning modules we reached over 12,000 people across the globe from London to Mexico. MoocLab rated our online learning partners the University of Leeds as 1st amongst 62 competing institutions for the quality of its online courses.

Case Study: Tyne & Wear Archives & Museums
Cause4 supported Tyne and Wear Archives and Museums to create a new fundraising Case for Support, working as a team to collectively identify and develop new messaging for the organisation.
Tyne & Wear Archives & Museums (TWAM) is a network of nine museums, galleries and archives across the North East that aim to ensure that everybody has access to museum provision that has a positive impact on their life.
In 2019, TWAM embarked on a consultation project to inform the development of a new Case for Support for the organisation and to shape its future direction. Cause4 worked closely with TWAM in:
- Designing and delivering workshops for 80 key stakeholders including staff, Trustees and external figures, delivered over two days. These workshops were designed by Cause4's expert trainers to cover several topics and helped to ensure that the full breadth of perspectives and venues were incorporated into final strategy and messaging.
- Surveying stakeholders online and via the phone who were unable to make the in-person workshops.
- Collating all learning from the workshops and consultations into two reports, highlighting points of consensus and disagreement, that allowed the Development Team to refer back to viewpoints and conclusions as they developed the final Case for Support.
- Providing critical friend support to senior staff, helping them to move from the written reports to a final Case for Support through face to face meetings, calls and ongoing mentoring.