
Take a look at the latest opinion pieces from the Cause4 team.

Feature story

What daffodils taught me about fundraising

19th April, 2021 | By Edward Drew

Of all the things daffodils could possibly teach someone, you’d think fundraising is pretty unlikely. But on a cold February evening in 2019, four strangers and I at the Charity Fast-Track bootcamp in London were given a £1 coin and challenged to turn it into something much, much more.  

Pick of the Month - December 2024

1st December, 2024 | By Katy Owen

Welcome to December's Pick of the Month! Dive in to discover insights from some truly inspiring individuals.

Pick of the Month – June 2020

1st June, 2020 | By Naomi Chapman

Cause4 rounds up individuals from across the charity sector doing exciting work this June.

Developing a Strong Case for Support – Improve the Efficacy of your Fundraising

28th May, 2020 | By Nye Greenfield

The Case for Support is one of the most important documents for your organisation's fundraising activities. Here a number of tips for creating a document that grabs the attention of funders.

What do arts organisations need from their Trustees in times of crisis?

20th May, 2020 | By Frances Campbell

How can Trustees best support organisations moving through crisis? Cause4 argues that Trustees are a vital component to survival, now and into the future. 


State of the Sector 2020: what should we be aiming for?

19th May, 2020 | By Naomi Chapman

Cause4 reflects on NPC's State of the Sector report 2020 and considers what the charity sector should be aiming for in the next report. 

Pick of the Month - May 2020

1st May, 2020 | By Naomi Chapman

Cause4 has been blown away by the response of the third sector to the pandemic, so this month we’re looking at how four leaders across the sector are adapting to COVID-19 in amazing ways. 

The Female Leadership Gap in Fundraising: What can we do?

28th April, 2020 | By Frances Campbell

The Institute of Fundraising’s latest report ‘Missing Out: Understanding the female leadership gap in fundraising’ provides detail on how gender is affecting the ability of women to reach the top jobs.

Investing Charitable Funds in Good Times and Bad

27th April, 2020 | By Naomi Chapman

At a time when finances are dominating Board meetings, we talked to Trustee Leadership Programme alumni John Chambers about Charity Investments.

Trustee Troubleshooting: Recruiting Trustees During the Health Crisis

14th April, 2020 | By Frances Campbell

Cause4 examines how charities can effectively hire new Trustees at this time, and showcases the silver lining of a new recruitment process.


Michelle Wright writes for Wales Art Review

10th April, 2020 | By Michelle Wright

Michelle Wright examines the lay of the land for arts organisations in the UK during the Covid-19 lockdown and explains why she thinks Welsh arts organisation must hold their nerve.

Pick of the Month - April 2020

3rd April, 2020 | By Naomi Chapman

April’s Pick of the Month includes a social enterprise bringing craft to the community, a mobile library travelling between refugee camps, and an Arts Fundraising & Philanthropy fellow who has used what she learnt across the arts and heritage sector. 

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